One Bite At A Time

Last year, a big trend on Twitter was #oneword2018, and I wrote a blog about choosing my word (if you are interested, here is the direct link to that blog . Spoiler alert: I picked RISE). So here we are, a year later, and I find myself reflecting on my 2018 choice and looking to choosing 2019's one word. I read a book a few years ago called, "I Don't Know How She Does It." The book was delightful. Apparently, there is also a movie too (not so shockingly, if you know me, I have not seen it. I have not seen many movies. It's actually a "thing"--people like to rattle off titles of cult classics then gasp in awe as I continue to shake my head no). In the story, people continuously say to the main character, "I don't know how you do it!" while referencing her working, being a wife, and a mom. At the beginning of the book, this working mom is bringing in treats to her kid's class. She buys pre-made treats, then feeling inferior to stay-at-h...