Commencement Address 2019
The Graduating Class of 2019 The following is my commencement address from the 2019 ceremony. Good Afternoon Kennedy Family. It is with joy that I address you, the graduating class of 2019. It wasn’t too long ago that we first met. Great news, there is still time for some of you to work on your first impressions. But, after a couple years, I will admit, you’ve won me over. Your mischievousness is relatively harmless, your charm is contagious, and your ambition to lead- sometimes for good and sometimes otherwise, is admirable. Since you were in grade school, you’ve heard your parents, teachers, and maybe principals, tell you to make good choices. They seemed relatively straight forward so far-- keep your hands to yourselves, turn in your work, quit posting on social media. But today, as you set off into the “real world”, past the cozy nest of safety that is Kennedy, you will start making the big choices. They aren’t always easy or obvious. Most of you have chosen a ...