Hashtag, Blue Pride

I remember this one day, maybe fall of 2007. I was sitting on the floor at my friend's house, reading a celebrity magazine (probably US Weekly), and saying out loud, "I don't get Twitter, what is it?" And mostly in the late 2000s, Twitter seemed to be a way for celebrities to brag about things or people to share pictures of their meals. As time went on, Twitter seemed to be everywhere. It took me until 2012 to create my first account.

So now, at my five-year Twitterversary (I may be making that word up?), I can't imagine my professional life without it. I have made networking connections on Twitter, followed the latest in educational technology trends, and have real-time conversations with hundreds of Ohio educators in  weekly "Twitter Chats." All of this is possible with our friend, the hashtag #.

So a little social media 101 for anyone that needs it (feel free to skip to the next paragraph if you are #cool and already know about hashtags): A hashtag is a way to follow a topic on social media. Want to find out what other people are saying about your favorite TV show (#greysanatomy, #GameofThrones), sports team (#ALLinCLE, #Believeland, #factoryofsadness), or day of the week inspirations (#MotivationMonday, #WednesdayWisdom, #ThrowbackThursday)? Search a hashtag."Tagging" your post or picture will allow it to come up in a search of that topic for other people to see. (Try searching Jimmy Fallon's Hashtag Game for some good laughs).

If you have seen any Tweets (or Facebook or Instagram posts) for JFK, you know the hashtag #BluePride. Alex's Million Mile Walk for childhood cancer: #BluePride. State qualifiers for girls tennis and a state qualifier for boys golf: #BluePride. Alumni accomplishments of Jad Abdul-Aal, Justin Bofenkamp, Jake Coates, Jason Kokrak, Tim Ryan, Regina Rebhan Mitchell, and Chad Zallow (to name a few): #BluePride. A band marching and playing at halftime: #BluePride. It puts a word to what Kennedy is all about: service to others while performing at the top of your talents. It helps tells OUR story.

Follow our story on social media. Like, Favorite, Share, Retweet, Repeat. Everytime you do, it helps our story get to more people. The more people we reach, the more they can appreciate and understand the work we do at John F. Kennedy Catholic School.

Help us write our Kennedy family story. Share pictures of all the amazing things happening at Kennedy. Tag @warrenjfk on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtag, BluePride.

With sincerity from @AlyseConsiglio
#edtech lover, problem solver, critical thinker, lead learner.


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