Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
We are a Walt Disney World Family. It is my favorite place. I couldn't tell you why in just one sentence, and I guess my answer would vary depending on the person asking. I love how Disney utilizes cutting edge technology to be creative and imaginative with its attractions and experiences. Part of it is safety and cleanliness- I feel comfortable taking my daughters alone to a park or on transportation that I might otherwise be wary of in a big city. There is amazing convenience to visiting Disney World too-- complimentary transportation; a literal "magic" band that opens your hotel room door, pays for your purchases, and is your ticket into the theme park; hundreds of delicious food options at every turn. After dozens of trips, a Disney vacation is no big deal to plan for us--but it is a pretty big deal for first-time visitors (information overload!).
Even though there is comfort in doing the same, there is still magic walking up Main Street and seeing the castle each trip. Whether it is the first time or the fifteenth, it's a big deal. In that spirit, I want to enter this new school year.
I am trying to remember the 6th-grade parents, sending their firstborn to Upper Campus. Some things that seem trivial to me are being looked forward to by my new students-- multiple selections at lunch, getting to walk in the hall without being in a quiet straight line, having to choose when to go to your locker. This is a big deal!
I am trying to see things like the senior parents: looking forward to college visits, savoring each athletic contest that is left to watch, filling out scholarship applications, and planning a graduation celebration. This is a big deal!
I am trying to be aware of the new teachers. New to the building, new to a class, new to a grade level. It's easy to assume everyone knows what "everyone" addition to lesson planning for a class you've never taught and learning names of the new students in the class. This is a big deal!
I am trying to see this year through the eyes of students new to Kennedy. Whether they have moved from another Catholic school, a public school, or from another state--they are in need of new friends, need help to understand our traditions, and need time to make the transition into the Kennedy family. This is a big deal!
This is my third year as principal. It is not the overwhelming start of my first year. We have done so much in the past few years, and will continue to support those initiatives-- 1:1 with Chromebooks K-12, opening The Think Lab, establishing the Entrepreneurship class and WJFK news show, starting The Kennedy Experience for freshman and new to Kennedy students, a new band room, founding the Birds of a Feather program partnership between Lower and Upper Campus students (whew!!!)--the start of this year feels a little less flashy...but there are some things that I think are a big deal!
We are adding "On To College" to our curriculum. This program increases ACT scores with test preparation in the years, months, and even hours before students take the test by embedding it in our existing curriculum all the way down to our junior high students, and then offering free "ACT boot camp" for students taking the test. It also offers college counseling services to families and students. The goal of On To College is to "help families create college graduates with minimal debt." I would say that is a mission we can all get behind!
Father John-Michael Lavelle, our Director of Faith Formation, is planning service projects that will be woven into each school Mass. While our students serve God, they will serve others through continuing our food drive, but also adding in collections for others in need. We are looking to expand our Day of Service at our supporting parishes and in the community as well. All of this is time well spent, helping form men and women of Courage, Integrity, and Dedication.
Our enrollment is steadily increasing, especially in junior high (the largest in the Diocese). We have added Financial Literacy and Leadership to the 8th-grade schedule, opened up Vocal Music to more junior high students, and hired a new teacher! (Welcome to Mr. Gasior!) We added AP Government as an honors-level class in the high school, in addition to offering AP Calculus and AP Chemistry. We continually add to our curriculum instead of cutting programs. In this climate, that is certainly a huge positive.
Planning a Disney vacation for me might not seem like a big deal, but I am certainly no less excited when it's time to visit the mouse. We have some things that are a pretty big deal going on at Kennedy, even when it feels like it is a low-key start to the year. I look forward to experiencing the year looking through the eyes of teachers, parents, and students experiencing their firsts and celebrating all of our accomplishments, new and not-so-new, that make Kennedy the very best place to be. I choose Kennedy and I am glad you do too. If I can't be at Disney, there is no place I'd rather be.
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust-
Mrs. Alyse Consiglio
Upper Campus Principal
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#bluepride at the #purplewall |
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