Winter is Coming.
There are a few TV shows that impregnate our culture so even those people that didn't watch have reference to phrases, characters, or moments. I do not know the answer or even know what show "Who shot JR?" is from, but I know that phrase (Dallas? I am refusing to Google the answer). Fonzi jumped the shark; Ross and Rachel were ON 👏A👏BREAK👏; under anesthesia before my tonsillectomy, I greeted my doctor in Jerry Seinfeld's tone: "Hello, Newman." and when getting shocking news, I put a hand to my chest and yell, "I'm coming Elizabeth!"
"Winter is Coming" is the Stark family motto from Game of Thrones. Didn't watch? You saw the meme a million times. Ned Stark, holding his sword. "Brace Yourselves. <Insert thing here> is Coming."
Winter is Coming. Be vigilant. Be prepared.
That is what we are doing. There are no good answers when talking about back to school. There are pros and cons to every plan, to every way of doing things, to each and every decision we make.
The administration and staff of John F. Kennedy Catholic School are working to make the best plan we can. We have limited enrollment to ensure physically distanced classrooms. You may have seen or heard we have a waiting list. It is not because enrollment is greater, it is because we are limiting it for class size and scheduling purposes.
We sent a survey out in early summer asking for your expectations. I have been in contact with a cross-section of parents at Upper Campus-those sending their first child to the 6th grade, those with junior high students, those with high school students, and those seasoned parents who may be on their second or third child in high school. Some parents are stay-at-home parents, others work, and many work in healthcare.
The administration is still meeting weekly with the Diocese as we continue our plan. Our Athletic Director is in close contact with the OHSAA. Our Director of Dining is in close contact with the local health department.
There are many other measures we have taken and will take that will come out in our detailed plan tomorrow. Even with all this planning and researching, the choices we have to pick between aren't ideal. We are doing our best. As always, the final choice is with the parents. Our parents choose Kennedy because of many reasons. This year, you continue to have that choice. Return physically to the classroom with changes to our "normal" or choose an online option but remain a Kennedy student. Every student, every grade, every family is different. The choices you have and the choices I have are not easy.
School is Coming. We are preparing. We are being vigilant. We are moving deliberately, thoughtfully, and getting information as quickly as possible. I look forward to sharing our details with you. I will be communicating more the following week on each change and also looking to field any questions you have after having time to look over the changes. Of course, I am positive there will be changes to the changes as we continue through tomorrow until the start of school. I am going to need a t-shirt that says, "As of today..." (or maybe a face mask?). Thank you for your prayers, your support, your willingness to give of your time and treasure, and your faith in us. We are Kennedy. We are Family.
Alyse Consiglio
(First of Her Name, Principal of Upper Campus, Mother of Eagles)

Prayers for you and your many families-one family in God, Alyse. May you and your family be blessed with some good old fun, too, amid all the effects of this crucible.