Athletic Spectator Policy Update

Dear Kennedy Families- Not so long ago, our prayers were united for our students. "Please let them be able to go to school." "Please let them have a sports season." "Please let us watch them play." How lucky we are that so far, our prayers have been answered. While there are certainly challenges to making all this happen, the Kennedy administration, faculty, support staff, and athletic department has risen to the call to serve our students to help facilitate these opportunities. Our initial spectator policy was a more liberal interpretation of the Ohio Dept. of Health order; after hearing the Governor's remarks and being in contact with ODH, Trumbull County Dept of Health, and Warren City Schools administration, we have dialed back our spectator policy for home football games to be more in line with those interpretations. In summary, here are the three major changes: Students may not buy individual tickets. (Students may only attend if they are famil...